How to request a course upgrade on a production server


  • The current production version of the course (destination) must exist on an Azure App Service production server.
  • The new version of the course (source) must be placed on an Azure App Service test (or now deprecated staging) server in a Git repository.

Submit a request by email to with the following subject:


"Production Course Upgrade: <Name of the course>"

Copy and paste the following form into the email and fill in the blank fields.

Go live time and date   
Upgrade Type
Can be either Regular or Hotfix.
Regular upgrades can only be done during a maintenance window, if one is defined.
Current version of the course (only for Regular upgrade types)
E.g. "".

Version of the upgraded course
E.g. "".

Release notes
Must include all JIRA issues or repository revision ID's relevant for the upgrade. 
Risk and impact assessment
Location of staging course
This is the source location of the staging server with the upgraded course. It can be the DNS name, the Azure App Service name or a Git repository URL for external locations. If using external Git URL it must include credentials.
E.g. "" or "hhcc0026n".

Location of production course
The is the destination location of the production server with the current course. It can be the DNS name or the Azure App Service name.
E.g. "" or "hhcc0013n".

Instructions on how to identify the course version
E.g. "Launch course, the version is in the lower right corner".
Instructions on launching the course for validation
Provide direct launch link or a LMS link and course name.
E.g. " course name "NRP G2015" and "Works only in IE"
Steps for validating successful upgrade
Smoke test instructions.
E.g. "Launch course, select "In-Facility Provider", complete modules 1 through 5.
 Are additional components required?
If yes, please fill in the form below and include in the request.

If the course requires external components such as an ActiveX client or similar, please fill in the form below and include in the request.

 Additional Components  Please fill in below
Components location
This can be a URL for download or "Attached" if the components are attached in the email.
E.g. "" or "Attached".

Components version (optional)
Version of the components for the upgraded course, if it is versioned.

How to install components
Instructions in all steps involved for installing components.
E.g. "Rename attachment extension to .zip, extract and run install.exe".
How to verify correct installation
Instructions in how to check the right version was installed.
E.g. "Launch course, go to Compressions module and click begin. Click "Manage Add-ons" in IE and verify that skillsx_hyper_ats_ctrl is version

How to uninstall components
Instructions in how the remove the install components again.
E.g. "Run C:\Program Files (x86)\Laerdal Medical\HeartSaver ATS\Uninstall.exe".

How to verify correct uninstall
Instructions in how to check the components was uninstalled.
E.g. "Verify the absence of C:\Program Files (x86)\Laerdal Medical\HeartSaver ATS folder".