In order for a course to be integrated with EcoHub the following minimum requirements must be met:

1. Files to be present at minimum

  • /bin/hyper_ping.dll
2. Minimum supported endpoints

  • /hyper/server/ping.ashx

In web.config: 



      <add name="Ping" verb="*" path="hyper/server/ping.ashx" type="hyper.Ping" resourceType="Unspecified" /> 




If the course require a license the above requirements in addition to the following must be met:

1. Files to be present at minimum

  • /bin/hyper_ping.dll
  • /bin/hyper_security_server.dll

2. Minimum supported endpoints

  • /hyper/server/ping.ashx
  • securityserver

In web.config: 



      <add name="Ping" verb="*" path="hyper/server/ping.ashx" type="hyper.Ping" resourceType="Unspecified" />

      <add name="SecurityServer" verb="*" path="securityserver/*" type="hyper.SecurityServer" resourceType="Unspecified" />


